
Testing 123 Link


Testing 123 Link


701 Casino Center Drive Hammond, IN 46320

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Please note this event is in Central Time

11:00 am CT - 2:00 pm CT

Established in 1998 as part of the Voluntary Clean Air Act, Partners for Clean Air is a coalition of businesses, industries, local governments, community groups, and individuals that are committed to improving air quality and public health through voluntary actions in Northwest Indiana. Our vision is to enhance the quality of life in Northwest Indiana by making the air cleaner to breathe for everyone and increase public awareness about the importance of clean air. As part of our mission, we give back to the Northwest Indiana community by helping qualified students succeed in post-secondary education goals aligned with clean air and public health. Yearly, we will offer scholarship awards in the amount of $2,500 to Lake, Porter, and Laporte county seniors to help with post-secondary education expenses, which are announced at our annual luncheon. Additionally, during our luncheon we will recognize entities that have gone above and beyond their regulatory requirements to improve air quality in Indiana. We invite you to join us to congratulate our scholarship and award winners and learn more about what you can do to protect the air in Northwest Indiana through voluntary actions. There is no cost to attend, but space is limited so be sure to RSVP early. Registration opens at 11:00am CDT with lunch and the program beginning at 11:30am CDT. If you would like to become a member or would like to learn more about Partners for Clean Air, https://on.in.gov/pca-home.

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