
Testing 123 Link


Testing 123 Link


Submit your art to the IN Fish & Wildlife Art and Photo Contest for Durable License Cards! 

By early 2025, those purchasing an Indiana hunting, trapping, fishing, or combo license will have the option to purchase their license (for a nominal fee) in the form of a durable card that can withstand harsh outdoor conditions.

To celebrate this highly requested new product, the cards will feature nature and wildlife-themed art from our talented Indiana residents!

Four artists' works will be chosen for the background options of the durable license cards, as well as our e-gift certificates. Please read the following for more contest information and send any questions to [email protected].

Contest Guidelines

  • All 2-D art mediums will be accepted (i.e. photography, painting, drawing, graphic design, etc.) with the exception of A.I. generated art.
  • Artwork must feature a wildlife species, outdoor recreation activity, or natural landscape found in Indiana. Please note that judging will favor native wildlife and nature.
  • Artists will submit their entries to [email protected].
  • Please include the following information in the email:
    • Photographer’s or artist’s name
    • Phone number and address
    • For artists under the age of 18: Age and name of parent or guardian
    • Month and year that the photo was taken, or art was completed
    • The location and/or species featured
  • Images must be submitted as .jpg or .jpeg files. Physical entries will not be accepted.
  • Limit of two (2) submissions per artist. Each submission needs its own email with the relevant information mentioned above.
  • Each file must be less than 10MB. Please submit one file per email to ensure the files do not exceed the size limits of state email accounts.
  • Department of Natural Resources employees are not eligible to enter.
  • Do not include watermarks or signatures on the photo. Such markings will disqualify the photo from the contest.
  • Artwork/images can be black & white or color. Any photographs submitted should be recent (taken within the past 2 years).
  • Deadline to submit artwork is Friday, August 2 by 11:50 p.m. ET.

Note: In addition to the durable license cards and e-gift certificates, artwork submissions may be used for photo contest promotion and general communications, including the DNR/DFW social media pages, DNR/DFW newsletters, and DNR/DFW websites. Artists will be credited whenever their work is used. If selected, artists agree to allow the use of their artwork without compensation. Artist’s name and city will be featured on the card. Finalists’ submissions will be judged by a panel of DNR staff through a rubric-based process.

Winners will be notified via email and announced via social media.

Be sure to follow DFW’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/INfishWildlife) and the DFW Instagram account (@infishwildlife) to follow along.

Event Details