
Testing 123 Link


Testing 123 Link


Schoolhouse Rd, Edinburgh, Indiana

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The annual Adjutant General’s marksmanship match (TAG Match) challenges Indiana National Guard (INNG) Service Members in a friendly competition to promote excellence in marksmanship training. This event, hosted by the 138th Regiment (CA) [REGT (CA)], is designed to promote weapons training and proficiency, camaraderie, and networking across formations. This championship offers participants the opportunity to test their skills in rifle and pistol weapon marksmanship in a battle-focused environment while competing for the Indiana Governor's Twenty Tab.

Most states have marksmanship competitions modeled off the President's Hundred, but only 13 states award the Governor's Twenty tab to their top shots. The Governor's Twenty tab is worn on the upper-left sleeve of the uniform below honor guard or other individual tabs such as the President's Hundred, Special Forces, Sapper, and the Ranger tab.

The Indiana National Guard conducts the CY23 TAG Match, 18-20 August 2023, at Camp Atterbury, Indiana (CAIN) for INNG Service Members (SMs) to compete for award of the Governor's Twenty Tab.

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