
Testing 123 Link


Testing 123 Link


Edinburgh, Indiana

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Basic Skills Education Program.


(a)  The ASVAB Tutor/Instructor team is hosting improvement courses to assist Soldiers in good standing with improving their GT and ST scores. Soldiers attend in IDT, AT, or ADOS status.


(b)  Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP) course dates are as following 17-21JUN24, 5-9AUG24, and 9-13SEP24. Course takes place a Building 4A, CAIN, Edinburgh, IN.


(c)  Soldiers register or request more information at the following link https://in.accessgov.com/ago/Forms/Page/ago/education-consultation-request-form/.


(d)  POC for this information is CW2 Loretta Deininger at [email protected] or at 317-247-3300 x 73315.


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