
Testing 123 Link


Testing 123 Link


Applications are being accepted for the following position:

Unit: 776th Brigade Engineer Battalion (WPCTAA)
Military Grade: E-9/CSM

Para/Line: 101-03
MOS:  12A60 

Vacancies Authorized: 1

Female Assignment Eligibility: Yes

Projected Entry Date: 01 October 2023

Projected Board Date: TBD

Soldier must meet the requirements listed below to apply:

a. Military Grade Requirements: E0 (M-day or AGR)

b. Must be enrolled in or a graduate of the Sergeants Major Academy

c. Must have three years remaining in-service upon arrival at assignement or be able to reenlist/extend to meet the requirement

d. Must be in compliance with standards of the Army Body Composition Program

e. Applicants must have a valid PHA and be Deployable

f. Aplicant can be AGR, Technician or Tradiitonal. Position is a traditional CSM position.

g. Applicant require approval by the DA/ARNG CSM prior to assignment

Apply for the position utilizing the DA Form 4187. The DA Form 4187 must have the proper job announcment the Soldier is applying for listed and two contact phone numbers with current mailing address. Once packets are submitted, Soldiers will be contacted to set up an interview. 

Submit the following documents with DA Form 4187:

a. Updated Soldier Record Brief

b. Military Bio Sketch

c. Last 5 NCOERs

d. APFT/ACFT and HT/WT within the last 3 years, from DTMS (DA Form 5500/5501 if needed)

e. Current permanent or temporary profile if applicable

Deadline: Applications must be received by 18 March 2023. (1600 hrs) Applications received after the suspense date will not be accepted. 

DA Form 4187 and enclosures will be emailed to the 776th BEB Senior Human Resource NCO, SFC Mollie Pitz

and CC: CSM Joshua Brown, CSM Michael Rossiter and CSM Joshua Butler

See the all users or  the INNG Portal (SharePoint) for complete contact information. 

Event Details