
Testing 123 Link


Testing 123 Link


13540 West 400 South, Linton, IN 47441

https://on.in.gov/goosepondfwa #GoosePondEvents
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Every summer we trap and leg-band mourning doves to aid research and we want you to join us! We will go out on the property to check the dove traps, talk about the reasons we band birds, and show the process of banding. We will start at the Visitors Center at 1 p.m. ET and then caravan around to the trap sites. We will be outside for most of the program, so please come prepared with sun protection and insect repellant.

We are offering two opportunities this year: Aug. 2 and Aug. 9. No registration required. All are welcome!

DNR values inclusion and access for all participants and will provide reasonable accommodations for this event. Please contact Ethan Plumier at [email protected] or 812-512-9159 to make an accommodation request. Requests must be submitted at least one week before the event. 

Event Details