Wednesday, November 30, 2022
About this Event
The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) is partnering with ADvancing States to incorporate provider feedback and resume training webinars this fall with more useful and meaningful content for Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) long-term services and supports (LTSS) providers.
Today, providers are familiar with requirements in Indiana's Aging Rule to address quality. In a partnership with a health plan, providers may have different expectations on quality than what is provided in the Aging Rule. This session will review what some of those differences are and what providers can do to prepare, such as identifying data collection methods and which visual tools to use to share data points that allow providers to talk about the value their agency brings to the community, and therefore, to the health plan. This session will also include information about value-based payments (VBP). VBP models pay for value instead of volume, or quality over quantity. There are various model types or value-based arrangements, but all are focused on performance and quality versus numbers. Attendees will learn about the purpose of VBP, different model types and associated risks and rewards for their organization. Attendees will be able to ask questions and participate in open dialogue during the training and at the end of the training during the Q&A session. The training webinar will be recorded.
Webinar Information
How to Attend
Providers must register for this event; however, same-day registration is allowed. After submitting a registration, providers will receive an email with the link to join the Zoom meeting. Follow these steps to register for and join the meeting:
1. Go to the webinar registration page at:
2. Enter the required information, including your name, email address, city, organization name, number of employees and provider type.
3. Click the Register button.
4. Check for an email with the link to the Zoom meeting, and click the link provided.
5. Click the Open Zoom Meetings button in the dialog box. If you don’t see a dialog box, click the Launch Meeting button.
6. Enter your email address and name in the Zoom dialog box.
7. Click the Join Webinar button. The meeting will open in your internet browser.
For those who cannot attend the webinar, a recording of the webinar will be posted later on the Inform Indiana webpage at