Thursday, January 9, 2020 12am to 12am
About this Event
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) and Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) announced today the five teams that will be participating in the 2020 Indiana Supportive Housing Institute. Theseteams will each establish a plan to develop affordable housing withaccess to supportive services for the most vulnerable individuals andfamilies experiencing homelessness.
"The Institutecontinues to be a great, intentional opportunity for organizationsto develop detailed, individualized supportive housing plans,"said Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouchwho serves as IHCDA's board chair. "This year the focus is on our mostvulnerable Hoosiers using local coordinated entry lists.”
Coordinatedentry helps communities prioritize assistance based on vulnerabilityand severity of service needs, to ensure that people who need assistancethe most can receive it in a timely manner. The core elements ofcoordinated entry are access, assessment, prioritization and referral.
“Coordinatedentry aims to ensure greater access to housing and services to thosemost in need of them,” said Jacob Sipe, Executive Director of IHCDA.“Using coordinated entry lists will allow these developments to moreclosely address the needs of individuals currently living in thesecommunities.”
Provided below is a list of organizations participating in this year's Institute:
Lead Organization: Keller Development, Inc.
Partner Organizations: New Generation Management, Inc.; Brightpoint; Lutheran Social Services of Indiana; Parkview Health; and Park Center
Location: Fort Wayne
Lead Organization: Horizon House
Partner Organizations: Gratus Development and Englewood CDC
Location: Indianapolis
Lead Organization: UPholdings
Partner Organizations: Southeast Neighborhood Development and Adult & Child Health
Location: Indianapolis
Lead Organization: Mental Health America of West Central Indiana
Partner Organizations: Midwest Support Foundation, Inc. and Hamilton Center
Location: Terre Haute
Lead Organization: The Vecino Group
Partner Organizations: Adult & Child Health
Location: Indianapolis
Overthe next few months, these teams will work closely with IHCDA and CSHthrough a series of targeted training and group exercises. They willalso be provided technical assistance and presented with pre-developmentfinancing opportunities. The Institute will culminate with theFinale this summer where teams will present their plans to a group ofpublic and private investors.
“Byfocusing on creating housing opportunities for individuals and familiesreferred through coordinated entry, we will be able to reach the peoplemost in need of housing and services who interact with multipleagencies throughout the state,” said Lori Phillips Steele, CSH Directorin Indiana. “The Institute continues to serve as a national model ofcreating solutions directly responding to the needs of the mostvulnerable in our communities.”
Following graduation from the Institute, each lead organization can apply for funding through the Rental Housing Tax Credits (RHTC) program.
Overthe last decade, the Supportive Housing Institute has helped tocontribute to a significant reduction (52% since 2009) in chronichomelessness in Indiana.
Media Contact
Brad Meadows
Marketing and Communications Director
Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA)
[email protected]
(317) 234-1745
The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), chaired by Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch,provides housing opportunities, promotes self-sufficiency andstrengthens communities in order to build an Indiana with a sustainablequality of life for all Hoosiers in the community of their choice. Formore information, visit
CSHlooks to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for servicesto improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize publicresources and build healthy communities. In Indiana, CSH works closelywith the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority tostimulate the creation of supportive housing for fragile individuals andfamilies who are experiencing homelessness.