Tuesday, April 23, 2024 12pm to 3:30am
About this Event
0185 Holmesville Road La Porte, IN 46350
This is a great opporunitiy for local health departments and munciplal stormwater management organizations (MS4s) to learn from a leader in the field of onsite sewage treatment systems (septic systems or OSS), Sara Heger, on how to have discussions with homeowners on how to properly maintain their systems and why actions such as regular pumping is needed. Discussions will also be held on how to best educate and reach homeowners on the impacts their systems have on the surrounding environment. This event is targeted towards those who are within the Lake Michigan watershed, but it is open to anyone who is interested in learning more.
Dr. Sara Heger is a researcher and instructor in the Onsite Sewage Treatment Program in the Water Resources Center at the University of Minnesota. Since 1999, she has been providing education and technical assistance to homeowners, small communities, onsite professionals and local units of government regarding onsite wastewater treatment. Sara coordinates the research program at the UMN and is currently, serving as the principal investigator on projects evaluation wastewater treatment and rest areas and developing training related to the land application of industrial wastewater. Heger is on the faculty of the Water Resources Science program, teaching Sustainable Waste Management Engineering. She presents at many local and national training events regarding the design, installation and management of septic systems and related research. Sara is the president of the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA). Sara serves on the NSF International Committee on Wastewater Treatment Systems. She is also the chair of the Minnesota State Advisory Committee on Decentralized Systems.
Seating is limited to 80 people and registration is required.