
Testing 123 Link


Testing 123 Link


61 Responder Drive, Anniston, AL 36205

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Dates: August 27 to September 2. Location: Anniston, Alabama. Select event for full details.

For full information and to register: https://cdp.dhs.gov/training/course/PER-904

Note: This event is not organized, hosted or sponsored by IDHS. It has been included on the IDHS calendar for informational purposes as a training that first responders may find beneficial.

Course Description:

Radiological Emergency Response Operations is a five-day course includes lectures, hands-on training, and team exercises. Students learn the concepts, equipment, and procedures related to radiological incident response, including a commercial nuclear power facility. During the course, the responders work in teams to perform radiological emergency response operations in a realistic exercise environment. The course culminates with an exercise that implements the Incident Command system in response to an incident that requires team coordination.

Event Details