
Testing 123 Link


Testing 123 Link


The Hilton Garden Inn 8910 Hatfield Drive, Indianapolis IN 46241

June 6-8, 2023 
The Hilton Garden Inn 
8910 Hatfield Drive, Indianapolis IN 46241 
Cost- $125 for all 3 days  
$75 for the 2 workshop session days, with no tour 
For more information and link to register go to 
https://bit.ly/41ce50T ;
Registration is open through May 31st 

This Regional Event was planned in conjunction with Veterans IN Farming and will focus on Veterans in Agriculture.  Tuesday and Wednesday will be workshop sessions that will include topics on business planning, getting your product to market, land access and estate planning, farming with a disability, and resources, programs and benefits for veterans.   Thursday will consist of tours of veteran-owned agricultural businesses. Lunch will be provided. 

AgrAbility is a program sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture that provides assistance to farmers, ranchers and other agricultural workers, and farm family members impacted by disability, illness or chronic conditions.  The program is funded through a competitive grant process for one National Project and State/ Regional Projects (currently serving 20 states).  Each project involves a collaborative partnership between land grant universities and various non-profit disability services organizations. 

Event Details