
Testing 123 Link


Testing 123 Link


Car stuck on side of road in snow

For years, the travel advisory map hosted by IDHS has helped Hoosiers to stay informed of road conditions statewide and to make safe travel decisions. The map was viewed more than 1.2 million times from November through February last winter.

The travel advisory map recently transitioned from a legacy application system and received a few updates in the process:

  • Interactivity: The map is now interactive. Users can select a county to be shown its latest status information.
  • Time zones: The map now lists status changes in the user's time zone. Previously, the map was limited to one time zone (GMT).
  • Color scheme: The color scheme for each advisory level is now more user friendly.
  • Location: Update any bookmarks you may have, as the map has a new address of https://www.in.gov/dhs/travel-advisory-map.

In addition to better presentation for Hoosiers, the map's transition to a different content management system allows IDHS staff an increased ability to make changes as needed.

Users will continue to be able to download a PDF that shows a static view of the map and status table at a specific time. The PDF showing a comprehensive history of all county status changes in recent times also remains.

Travel advisory statuses are set at the local government level (see Indiana Code 10-14-3-29), and the map reflects their changes when a county emergency management agency informs IDHS.

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